Header Order
This small project came to picture when lastest version of Curl(curl 7.65.2) started messing up with the header order. Sometimes the Host header is present at first and sometime in middle. Due to such behaviour,some of our tests on WAF were not working. This projects represents a GUI version of Python Requests modules using Flask. It is useful in cases where you want to test specific web configuration by sending HTTP requests in certain orders.
Credential Stuffing Bot
This is a small scraping Bot which sends password in certain order to the login endpoint. The version present here is only for educational usuage. Advance version of this can be implemented using multithreading and mimicing the human movements in random order to evade the Bot Management solutions.
ReCaptchav1 bypass
Captcha Bypass
Apache Log Parser
This script can be used to parse apache logs and will give top IP address, URLs and Status Code. Furthermore,the logic can be extended to parse any type of log file and then calculating various dimensions.
IP2Geo Location
It is useful where you have bunch of IPs and you want to know the Geo Location of it. The use case is to find anomaly from a specific ASN and GEO location.
IIS 2016 Server hardening using Powershell DSC as DISA STIG.
Windows Server 2016 Hardening
2016 Member Server hardening using Powershell DSC as DISA STIG
Local Configuration Manager DSC AutoCorrect
This DSC script will change the default LCM mode to AutoCorrect from Monitor.